Aspect Advisory_EN


Aspect Advisory is a boutique financial services and management consultancy. We have and continue to work with a wide range of customers in the financial services space, providing advisory and consultancy services for financial risk assessment, financial risk management and other financial planning and strategy-related requirements, including financial modelling software tools and business strategy.  

Here are some of our incredible stories of transformation


We team-up with senior leadership in the financial services sector to provide valuable solutions within a dynamic and challenging environment.

Risk identification and quantification

  • Detailed review, identification, and prioritisation of relevant open and

hidden risks

  • Defining metrics and classification schemes to quantify measurable and

immeasurable risks

  • Complementing probabilistic risk models with customised plausible stress tests

Risk appetite

  • Align business strategy to risk appetite and define appropriate levels of risk
  • Assist organisations to interpret and roll out Group risk appetite to all

business units

  • Define risk triggers, limits, and mitigating actions to minimise downside
  • Define and implement risk-adjusted performance matrices to maximize upside

ERM and Governance

  • Design ERM frameworks on economic capital, stress testing, and ALM


  • Detailed review of existing risk taxonomy

Capital, Solvency and Liquidity Requirements

  • Design frameworks to optimally deploy capital at all business unit levels
  • Implement risk-adjusted performance to ensure profitability and accountability of risk taking

Driving business performance

  • Design and implement analytical frameworks for planning financial goals, and optimising use of capital and liquidity resources
  • Enhance business planning by incorporating uncertainty, competitors’

responses & reg. initiatives

Regulatory Compliance

  • Identify new business opportunities on the back of regulatory requirements, including digital banking regulations
  • Maximise competitive advantage through optimal implementation

Risk identification and quantification
  • Detailed review, identification, and prioritisation of relevant open and
hidden risks
  • Defining metrics and classification schemes to quantify measurable and
immeasurable risks
  • Complementing probabilistic risk models with customised plausible stress tests
Risk appetite
  • Align business strategy to risk appetite and define appropriate levels of risk
  • Assist organisations to interpret and roll out Group risk appetite to all
business units
  • Define risk triggers, limits, and mitigating actions to minimise downside
  • Define and implement risk-adjusted performance matrices to maximize upside
ERM and Governance
  • Design ERM frameworks on economic capital, stress testing, and ALM
  • Detailed review of existing risk taxonomy
Capital, Solvency and Liquidity Requirements
  • Design frameworks to optimally deploy capital at all business unit levels
  • Implement risk-adjusted performance to ensure profitability and accountability of risk taking
Driving business performance
  • Design and implement analytical frameworks for planning financial goals, and optimising use of capital and liquidity resources
  • Enhance business planning by incorporating uncertainty, competitors’
responses & reg. initiatives ​ Regulatory Compliance
  • Identify new business opportunities on the back of regulatory requirements, including digital banking regulations
  • Maximise competitive advantage through optimal implementation

Business Financial Strategies and Target Setting

  • Proactive input into strategic planning and business decisions
  • Determine financial targets and forecasts for both Group and business unit levels

Planning and budgeting

  • Translate target setting process in to detailed plans and budgets
  • Optimise planning and budgeting processes (including systems and people)

Efficiencies and cost control

  • Detailed cost analytics and identification of related efficiency initiatives
  • Review and optimise costs in operations, sourcing, and procurement spend

Monitoring and oversight

  • Design of monitoring processes and plans
  • Develop triggers for corrective actions

Balance sheet and P&L Management

  • Manage income volatility and quality of earnings through portfolio tilt
  • Ensure efficient business financial strategies for the effective management of financial resources including capital via the alignment of finance and risk functions

Performance and value-based management

  • Design of financial and economic performance management and incentive frameworks
  • Categorisation of stakeholders and the design of relevant reporting systems and outputs

Business Financial Strategies and Target Setting
  • Proactive input into strategic planning and business decisions
  • Determine financial targets and forecasts for both Group and business unit levels
Planning and budgeting
  • Translate target setting process in to detailed plans and budgets
  • Optimise planning and budgeting processes (including systems and people)
Efficiencies and cost control
  • Detailed cost analytics and identification of related efficiency initiatives
  • Review and optimise costs in operations, sourcing, and procurement spend
Monitoring and oversight
  • Design of monitoring processes and plans
  • Develop triggers for corrective actions
Balance sheet and P&L Management
  • Manage income volatility and quality of earnings through portfolio tilt
  • Ensure efficient business financial strategies for the effective management of financial resources including capital via the alignment of finance and risk functions
Performance and value-based management
  • Design of financial and economic performance management and incentive frameworks
  • Categorization of stakeholders and the design of relevant reporting systems and outputs
  • Pillar 1: Regulatory Risk Requirements
  • International: Basel (I/II/III)
  • European: Capital Requirement Regulation – CRR (I/II/III) / Capital Requirement
  • Directive – CRD (I/II/III/IV)
  • National: Minimum Requirements Risk Management (e.g. MaRisk, FMA-Mindeststandards)
  • Pillar 2: Internal Risk Requirements
  • Capital Planning
  • Pillar 3: Disclosure
  • Regulatory Reporting via ITS (e.g. CoRep, FinRep, AnaCredit, ALMM)
  • Stress Testing
  • Ad-Hoc Reporting

Pillar 1: Regulatory Risk Requirements
  • International: Basel (I/II/III)
  • European: Capital Requirement Regulation – CRR (I/II/III) / Capital Requirement
  • Directive – CRD (I/II/III/IV)
  • National: Minimum Requirements Risk Management (e.g. MaRisk, FMA-Mindeststandards)
Pillar 2: Internal Risk Requirements
  • Capital Planning
Pillar 3: Disclosure
  • Regulatory Reporting via ITS (e.g. CoRep, FinRep, AnaCredit, ALMM)
  • Stress Testing
  • Ad-Hoc Reporting


  • Assess current institution environment for optimal automation of in-house model against hosting, software and data constraints
  • Design model process flow for the effective development and deployment of models owned by a division for global use within an institution in real time
  • Implement robust frameworks for the hosting of models, continuous integration, and continuous delivery of models
  • Automated model validation, unit tests, stress tests and back testing
  • Cloud migration


  • Assessment an institution’s data sources and data flows
  • Design of optimal data processes to ensure a ‘single source of truth’, and effective implementation of data lakes and data warehouses where necessary
  • ETL pipeline design and implementation to ensure delivery of effective, clean and structured data from structured and unstructured data sources for ingestion by other processes
  • Qualitative data ingestion and textual analysis for decision making in risk management processes
  • Assessment and implementation of BCBS 239 Guidelines for effective risk data aggregation and reporting


  • Assess effective ownership of models and data aligned for effective decision making
  • Mitigation of operational risks due to data miscommunication
  • Ensure ownership aligns with model and data process flow, storage and ingestion


  • Suite of developed A-IRB, IFRS 9 and Pricing Model applications that can be utilised independently or as a collective Risk Platform
  • Minimal integration requirements which ensure quick lead times
  • Ability for integration / adoption of an institution’s in-house models as and where necessary
  • Assess current institution environment for optimal automation of in-house model against hosting, software and data constraints
  • Design model process flow for the effective development and deployment of models owned by a division for global use within an institution in real time
  • Implement robust frameworks for the hosting of models, continuous integration, and continuous delivery of models
  • Automated model validation, unit tests, stress tests and back testing
  • Cloud migration
  • Assessment an institution’s data sources and data flows
  • Design of optimal data processes to ensure a ‘single source of truth’, and effective implementation of data lakes and data warehouses where necessary
  • ETL pipeline design and implementation to ensure delivery of effective, clean and structured data from structured and unstructured data sources for ingestion by other processes
  • Qualitative data ingestion and textual analysis for decision making in risk management processes
  • Assessment and implementation of BCBS 239 Guidelines for effective risk data aggregation and reporting
  • Assess effective ownership of models and data aligned for effective decision making
  • Mitigation of operational risks due to data miscommunication
  • Ensure ownership aligns with model and data process flow, storage and ingestion
  • Suite of developed A-IRB, IFRS 9 and Pricing Model applications that can be utilised independently or as a collective Risk Platform
  • Minimal integration requirements which ensure quick lead times
  • Ability for integration / adoption of an institution’s in-house models as and where necessary

See Firm Credentials


The evolution of market share in the banking sector from 2008 to 2018